Titleimage: Swiss Religious Heritage Day

The Swiss Religious Heritage Day is dedicated to current issues on church building in Switzerland. It supports the exchange between decision-makers from the church, the historic preservation and the public. It has been held every two years since 2015. The Fourth Swiss Religious Heritage Day which took place on 27 August 2021, was dedicated to the theme "Flexible church interiors. Current redesigns".

Organizationally, the Swiss Religious Heritage Day is affiliated to the Liturgical Competence Center at the Theological Faculty of the University of Bern. It is only financed with third-party funds by sponsors.

The five Swiss Religious Heritage Days are documented on the website. The website also contains the Database Church Conversions, the Database Modern Church Building in Switzerland and the Documentation Flexible Churches.

The sixth Swiss Religious Heritage Day will take place on 29 August 2025 at the Paulus Akademie in Zurich. The topic will be: Churches in urban districts. Church space and social space.

Picture: Nathan Coley, The Lamp of Sacrifice, 286 Places of Worship, Edinburgh, 2004, edited section from the installation in the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow (2014), Courtesy Studio Nathan Coley.