Architekturbibliothek – Schweizer Architektur 1920 - heute
Encyclopedia and image database of Swiss architecture from 1920 until today. Research options: buildings (i.a. church), offices, architects. Project of «Institut für Architektur der Hochschule Luzern».
Cartographie de la diversité religieuse et spirituelle du canton de Vaud
Database and interactive map of all religious communities and places of worship in the canton of Vaud. Research options: religion. Project of «CIC (Centre intercantonal d’information sur les croyances)» in Genève.
D’église en ashram - Cartographie de la diversité religieuse à Genève
Database and interactive map of all religious communities and places of worship in the canton of Vaud. Research options: religion, year, language. Project of «CIC (Centre intercantonal d’information sur les croyances)» in Genève.
Kirchen des 20. Jahrhunderts in der Schweiz
Index of all in «Wikimedia» recorded churches of the 20th Century in Switzerland. Research options: decade, year. Project of «Wikimedia Commons».
Kirchenvisite – Reformierte Kirchen der Kantone Bern-Jura-Solothurn
Database of reformed churches in the cantons of Bern, Jura and Solothurn. Research options: location, name, radius, time period. Project of «Reformierte Kirche Bern-Jura-Solothurn».
Orgelverzeichnis Schweiz und Liechtenstein
Database of organs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, with pictures of the church interiors. Research options: cantons, locations. Project by «Peter Fasler».
Reformierte Kirchen im Aargau
Database of all reformed churches in the canton of Aargau, with detailed portraits of the churches. Research options: location, year. Project of «Reformierte Kirche Aargau».
Reformierte und Katholische Kirchen der Stadt Zürich – Bestandesverzeichnis
Two publications with detailed portraits of all reformed and roman - catholic churches in the city of Zürich. Available online as PDF-File. Project of «Denkmalpflege der Stadt Zürich».
SAKRALES ZÜRICH - 150 Jahre katholischer Kirchenbau
Information and images to the 117 catholic churches in the canton of Zurich.
swiss-architects – Religiöse Bauten
Platform of the current architecture scene. Research options: name, company name, status, country, type of building (i.a. religious buildings, crematories, cemeteries, spiritual places). Project by «World-Architects».
Bildarchiv Foto Marburg – Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur
Numerous images of modern churches from Germany and Switzerland, from the inventories of the «Institut für Kirchenbau», Marburg. Research: type «Institut Kirchenbau» as keyword. Project by «Foto Marburg und Institut für Kirchenbau», Marburg.
Kirchen 2020 – Kirchen, Kapellen und Gemeindezentren in Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich
Gallery of churches of the 21st century in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, with short portraits. In chronological order. Project of «Institut für Kirchenbau und kirchliche Kunst der Gegenwart an der Philipps-Universität Marburg».
Kirchenbau, Kirchenräume
Database with over 900 churches from 16 countries. Research options: year, country. Project by «Frank W. Rudolph».
Strasse der Moderne – Kirchen in Deutschland
Database of modern churches of the 20th century in Germany, with detailed portraits. Sort options: region, location, architect, consecration/inauguration. Project of «Deutsches Liturgisches Institut» in Trier.